Nampa Idaho Health Insurance Agency

#1 Reason You Need Health Insurance

Insurance is simply the transfer of risk. When you get insurance you are transferring the financial risk from yourself, your family, or your business to the insurance company.

For example: If you got got cancer and you didn't have insurance, you would be in charge of all medical bills that come your way. That could be upwards of tens of thousands of dollars. If you had insurance, your insurance company would help aid in the cost of doctors visits, treatment, medications, and more. What would have cost you maybe $100,000 without insurance, may now only cost you $10,000 because you had insurance.

Insurance Products That Will Benefit You!

Under 65 Health Insurance

Group Health Insurance

Medicare Health Plans

Travel Health Insurance

Health Insurance Supplements

Life Insurance

What is an Insurance Broker?

As an insurance broker we represent multiple insurance companies. At Flint Insurance we are not out here pushing one company or one product. We can help you find the right plan and the right coverage for your specific needs.

How much does it cost to work with an insurance broker?

Insurance agents get paid a commission to sign people up for insurance. Unlike when you sell your house and have to pay a real estate agent to help sell your house, with insurance we are paid directly from the insurance company, so no money comes out of your pocket! We are a FREE resource to you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Under 65 Health Insurance?

Under 65 health insurance typically refers to health insurance plans that are designed for individuals who are not yet eligible for Medicare, which typically starts at age 65 in the United States. These plans are available for individuals under the age of 65, including young adults, adults in their prime working years, and those nearing retirement age but not yet eligible for Medicare.

Under 65 health insurance plans can come in various forms, including employer-sponsored health insurance, individual health insurance plans purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as Obamacare plans), private health insurance plans purchased directly from insurance companies, and Medicaid for those who meet income eligibility requirements.

These plans typically provide coverage for essential health benefits such as doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, preventive care, and other medical services. The specific coverage and costs can vary widely depending on the type of plan, the insurance provider, and the individual's needs and preferences.

It's important for individuals under 65 to carefully evaluate their health insurance options to ensure they have adequate coverage for their needs and budget. This may involve comparing different plans, understanding costs such as premiums, deductibles, and copayments, and considering factors such as provider networks and prescription drug coverage.

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What is Group Health Insurance?

Group health insurance is a type of health insurance coverage that is provided to a group of people, typically employees of a company or members of an organization. It is often offered by employers as part of an employee benefits package, although it can also be obtained through other groups such as unions, professional associations, or religious organizations.

In a group health insurance plan:

1. Coverage Pooling: The risk and cost of health care are spread across the entire group, which can result in lower premiums compared to individual health insurance plans.

2. Employer Contributions: In many cases, the employer contributes a portion of the premium costs, making group health insurance more affordable for employees.

3. Guaranteed Issue: Group health insurance plans typically offer guaranteed issue, meaning that eligible members of the group cannot be denied coverage based on pre-existing conditions.

4. Comprehensive Coverage: Group health insurance plans often provide comprehensive coverage, including benefits such as doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, preventive care, and other medical services.

5. Simplified Enrollment: Employees or members typically have a designated enrollment period during which they can sign up for coverage without the need for medical underwriting.

6. Administrative Ease: Employers often handle the administrative tasks associated with group health insurance, such as enrollment, premium payment, and communication with the insurance provider.

Group health insurance plans can vary in terms of coverage options, cost-sharing arrangements (such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance), and provider networks. Employees or members may have the option to choose from different plan options offered by the employer or organization.

Overall, group health insurance provides a valuable benefit to employees and members by helping them access affordable health care coverage.

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What are Medicare Health Plans?

Medicare health plans, also known as Medicare Advantage plans, are an alternative way for beneficiaries to receive their Medicare benefits. Traditional Medicare, known as Original Medicare, includes Part A (hospital insurance) and Part B (medical insurance), which are administered by the federal government. However, Medicare Advantage plans, also known as Medicare Part C, are offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare.

Here are some key points about Medicare Advantage plans:

1. Coverage Expansion: Medicare Advantage plans often provide additional benefits beyond what Original Medicare covers, such as vision, dental, hearing, and prescription drug coverage.

2. Plan Types: There are different types of Medicare Advantage plans, including Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plans, Special Needs Plans (SNPs), and Medical Savings Account (MSA) plans. Each type has its own rules and restrictions regarding coverage, provider networks, and out-of-pocket costs.

3. Networks: Many Medicare Advantage plans require beneficiaries to use a network of doctors and hospitals for their care. HMO plans usually require beneficiaries to choose a primary care physician and obtain referrals to see specialists, while PPO plans typically offer more flexibility in choosing providers.

4. Costs: Medicare Advantage plans may have different costs than Original Medicare, including premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. Some plans offer $0 premiums, but beneficiaries still need to pay their Medicare Part B premium.

5. Drug Coverage: Many Medicare Advantage plans include prescription drug coverage (Part D) as part of their benefits package. These plans are known as Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MA-PD) plans.

6. Annual Changes: Medicare Advantage plans can change their coverage, costs, and provider networks every year, so beneficiaries should review their plan options during the annual enrollment period (October 15 to December 7) to ensure they have the best coverage for their needs.

Overall, Medicare Advantage plans offer an alternative way for Medicare beneficiaries to receive their benefits, often with additional coverage and benefits compared to Original Medicare. However, it's essential for beneficiaries to carefully compare plan options to find the one that best meets their healthcare needs and budget.

Medicare Supplement plans, also known as Medigap plans, are private insurance plans that help cover some of the out-of-pocket costs associated with Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Part B). These plans are designed to fill in the "gaps" in coverage left by Original Medicare, such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.

Here are some key points about Medicare Supplement plans:

1. Standardized Coverage: Medicare Supplement plans are standardized by the federal government, meaning that each plan type offers the same basic benefits, regardless of the insurance company selling the plan. There are currently ten standardized plans, labeled A through N. However, not all plans may be available in every state.

2. Cost-Sharing Coverage: Depending on the specific plan, Medicare Supplement plans may cover various out-of-pocket costs, such as Medicare Part A and Part B deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. Some plans may also cover excess charges for services from providers who do not accept Medicare assignment.

3. No Provider Networks: Unlike Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement plans do not typically have provider networks. Beneficiaries can see any healthcare provider who accepts Medicare patients.

4. Monthly Premiums: Beneficiaries must pay a monthly premium for their Medicare Supplement plan in addition to their Medicare Part B premium. The premium amount can vary depending on factors such as the plan type, the insurance company, the beneficiary's age, gender, and location.

5. Guaranteed Issue Rights: When first eligible for Medicare, beneficiaries have a six-month open enrollment period during which they can enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan without undergoing medical underwriting. Outside of this period, insurance companies can use medical underwriting to determine eligibility for coverage, which could result in higher premiums or denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions.

6. Does Not Include Prescription Drug Coverage: Medicare Supplement plans do not cover prescription drugs. Beneficiaries who want prescription drug coverage must enroll in a separate Medicare Part D prescription drug plan.

Overall, Medicare Supplement plans can provide peace of mind by helping to limit out-of-pocket costs associated with Original Medicare. However, it's important for beneficiaries to carefully compare plan options to find the coverage that best meets their healthcare needs and budget.

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What are Health Insurance Supplements?

Health insurance supplements, also known as supplemental health insurance or supplemental coverage, refer to additional insurance policies that individuals can purchase to complement their primary health insurance coverage. These supplements are designed to provide extra financial protection by covering costs that may not be fully covered by the primary health insurance plan.

Here are some common types of health insurance supplements:

1. Critical Illness Insurance: This type of supplement provides a lump-sum payment if the policyholder is diagnosed with a specified critical illness such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or organ failure. The funds can be used to cover medical expenses, lost income, or other financial needs during recovery.

2. Accident Insurance: Accident insurance supplements typically provide benefits for medical expenses, hospital stays, and other costs associated with accidental injuries, such as fractures, dislocations, burns, and lacerations. Benefits are paid regardless of whether the policyholder has primary health insurance coverage.

3. Hospital Indemnity Insurance: Hospital indemnity insurance pays a fixed daily, weekly, or monthly benefit if the policyholder is hospitalized due to illness or injury. This supplement can help cover expenses not covered by primary health insurance, such as deductibles, copayments, and non-medical costs like transportation and lodging.

4. Dental Insurance: Dental insurance supplements cover dental care services such as routine check-ups, cleanings, fillings, extractions, and more. Many health insurance plans do not provide comprehensive dental coverage, so individuals may purchase standalone dental insurance or add it as a supplement to their health insurance coverage.

5. Vision Insurance: Vision insurance supplements cover eye care services such as routine eye exams, eyeglasses, contact lenses, and vision correction procedures. Similar to dental insurance, vision coverage is often not included in standard health insurance plans.

6. Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care insurance supplements help cover the costs of long-term care services, including nursing home care, assisted living, and in-home care. These policies provide benefits when individuals require assistance with activities of daily living due to illness, disability, or aging.

These are just a few examples of health insurance supplements available to individuals to enhance their healthcare coverage and provide additional financial protection. It's essential to carefully review and compare different supplement options to determine which ones best meet specific healthcare needs and budget constraints.

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What is Traveling Health Insurance?

Travel health insurance, also known as travel medical insurance, is a type of insurance coverage designed to provide protection for individuals traveling internationally. It typically covers medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, trip interruption, and other travel-related emergencies that may occur while abroad.

Here are some key features of travel health insurance:

1. Medical Coverage: Travel health insurance typically covers medical expenses incurred due to illness or injury during the trip. This can include doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription medications, emergency dental treatment, and medical transportation.

2. Emergency Evacuation: Many travel health insurance plans include coverage for emergency medical evacuation, which pays for transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility in the event of a medical emergency that cannot be adequately treated at the traveler's current location.

3. Repatriation of Remains: Travel health insurance may also cover the cost of repatriating the insured's remains to their home country in the unfortunate event of death during the trip.

4. Trip Interruption/Cancellation: Some travel health insurance plans offer coverage for trip interruption or cancellation due to covered reasons such as illness, injury, death of a family member, or unforeseen events such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

5. Coverage Duration: Travel health insurance can be purchased for single trips or multiple trips within a specified period. Policies are typically available for various durations, ranging from a few days to a year or more.

6. Pre-Existing Conditions: Some travel health insurance plans may provide limited coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, while others may exclude coverage altogether. It's essential to review the policy terms and conditions carefully, especially if the traveler has any pre-existing health conditions.

7. Destination Restrictions: Some travel health insurance policies may have restrictions or exclusions based on the destination country or region. It's important to check whether the policy provides coverage for the intended travel destinations.

Travel health insurance is particularly important for international travelers because it provides financial protection and access to medical care in case of unexpected health emergencies while abroad. Before purchasing a travel health insurance policy, travelers should carefully review the coverage details, exclusions, and limitations to ensure that it meets their specific needs and provides adequate protection for their trip.

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What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a contract between an individual (the policyholder) and an insurance company, in which the insurance company agrees to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money (the death benefit) upon the death of the insured person. Life insurance is designed to provide financial protection to the insured's loved ones or dependents in the event of their death.

Here are some key points about life insurance:

1. Death Benefit: The primary purpose of life insurance is to provide a lump sum payment to the designated beneficiary upon the death of the insured person. This death benefit can be used to cover various expenses, such as funeral costs, outstanding debts, mortgage payments, college tuition, and ongoing living expenses for dependents.

2. Premiums: In exchange for the death benefit, the insured person pays regular premiums to the insurance company. The premium amount is typically based on factors such as the insured's age, health, lifestyle, occupation, and the amount of coverage desired.

3. Types of Life Insurance:

- Term Life Insurance: Provides coverage for a specified period (the term), such as 10, 20, or 30 years. If the insured dies during the term, the death benefit is paid to the beneficiary. Term life insurance does not accumulate cash value and is often more affordable than permanent life insurance.

- Permanent Life Insurance: Provides coverage for the insured's entire life, as long as premiums are paid. Permanent life insurance policies, such as whole life insurance and universal life insurance, also include a cash value component that accumulates over time and can be accessed by the policyholder through withdrawals or loans.

4. Beneficiaries: The policyholder designates one or more beneficiaries who will receive the death benefit upon the insured's death. Beneficiaries can be individuals, such as family members or dependents, or entities, such as trusts or charities.

5. Underwriting: Life insurance companies assess the risk of insuring an individual based on factors such as age, health, medical history, lifestyle habits (e.g., smoking), and occupation. Applicants may be required to undergo a medical exam or provide medical records as part of the underwriting process.

6. Tax Considerations: In many cases, the death benefit paid to the beneficiary is not subject to federal income tax. Additionally, the cash value accumulation in permanent life insurance policies can grow tax-deferred.

Life insurance can play a crucial role in providing financial security and peace of mind to individuals and their families by ensuring that loved ones are protected financially in the event of the insured's death. It's essential to carefully consider one's financial needs and objectives when choosing a life insurance policy and to regularly review coverage to ensure it remains adequate over time.

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Are you ready to insure yourself and your family and business?


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